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All Saints' Cycle of Learning


The All Saints’ Way…

Working together as a TEAM

Taking Risks – children who show courageous determination in their learning

Encouraging Learning – children being curious in their learning

Achieving Goals – children having the desire to be the best that they can be

Making Memories – in a school where children are respectful, show kindness and experience joyfulness!

The Lord says "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you" (Psalm 32 v8). This psalm gives us strength and courage in our teaching, learning and curriculum.


Our All Saints’ Cycle of Learning was borne out of a desire to ensure we have a well rooted teaching and learning process that supports all of our children. Our Vision of Taking Risks, Encouraging Learning, Achieving Goals and Making Memories runs throughout every part of our Cycle.

The baseline for our Cycle of Learning is research based and is in line with Robert Glaser’s Basic Teaching Model and the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) 5 A Day Principles of the Adaptive Learning research.

Our Cycle also reinforces our Bible verse: The Lord says “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.” Psalm 32:8

There are 5 parts to the Cycle.  Each part includes a question which has been written in child speak so the children can fully engage in their learning:

    Know your children –staff ensure they have knowledge of learner and encourage children to reflect upon, express and apply previous knowledge before new instruction is given. Staff constantly ask the children: What do you already know?, particularly at the beginning of each session.

Know your subject – staff plan and prepare well in order to inspire, motivate and engage children. Clear objectives are given. Explicit links are made to previous learning and learning in other curriculum area.

Match the work to the ability of the children – the Entitlement Framework /Graduated approach-/ Universal strategies are used to ensure our Quality First Teaching. At the heart of our Cycle of Learning is complying with the Equality Act 2010 - 9 protected characteristics and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

Physically & mentally entering as though ready to learn –we ensure the children are physically and mentally ready to learn before each learning session. So the simple way children enter the classroom from off the playground, really does matter.



Remember more –we expect all our children to remember more and be able to do more.

Can you still…….? This is a question children are frequently being asked and is very much a part of our Assessment for Learning (AfL).

Assume that in every lesson, the children are bringing some previous knowledge, skill/learning which they can apply                     

Vocabulary – this is key to the children’s understanding and retention.

Adaptive Learning Principle 2: Provide opportunities for students to plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning is crucial to this part of the Cycle.



Instruct what needs to be attained – staff give clear instruction and reinforces behavior expectations

Be clear about intended outcome

Engage the children in their learning by explicitly saying: By the end of the lesson you WILL…!

Adaptive Learning Principle 1- Explicit, modelling, guided practice before independent practice is crucial to this part of the Cycle. 

The process is dependent on Knowledge and Retention.

Pace – this is key to the speed of learning and link very well to the Adaptive Learning Principle 3 -Scaffolding which is to provide less support throughout the lesson/week/term.

AfL – this is where staff observe, question, make judgements and adapt or adjust (move on/more time/different approach) where necessary.

Constantly ask the children: How are you getting on?

Questioning & time to explain why a concept or fact is true is always given and a culture of ‘no hands up’ is encouraged.

Structuring good talk –through spoken language opportunities is important. Debating and cooperative learning strategies is used

 Adaptive Learning Principle 4 – incorporating flexible grouping based on the level of mastery is used throughout.

To facilitate a smooth process, an organised classroom with clear labels & constructive deployment of support staff is needed.

Constant use of key vocabulary and valuing good presentation is evident.



Hot/Dynamic Marking is used in our school to celebrate learning, address any misconceptions and to encourage an improved performance.

There is a constant checking in to determine the quality of progress.

Fix it time is given with particular attention being paid to presentation.

The Footprint of learning is clear in the children’s books and is featured on some displays.

Adaptive Learning Principle 5 – the use of technology e.g. visualiser is incorporated into this part of the Cycle.


With our unique Cycle of Learning, clarity is given to our teaching and learning expectations and we are better able to achieve our intent of inspiring curiosity, respect, kindness, courageous determination and joyfulness. It will also help us grow the future. Be it the next Scientists, Artists, Musicians, Mathematicians, Authors, Sports champions and other professionals who are passionate, skilled and confident in their abilities.



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